
Inkfish tattooshop gallery

Onze Inkfish tattooshop gallery zit vol Rotterdams custom tattoo design. De meeste ontwerpen in deze gallery werden door Hans de inktvis persoonlijk voor iemand getekend. Onze custom tattoos zijn dus alleen voor jou, en worden door onze shop nooit meer op iemand anders geinkt.

Je kunt, als je wilt natuurlijk, ook zelf een design of een foto naar de studio meenemen, die wij dan als tatoeage zetten. Veel designs op deze pagina zijn met bold en fine line gezet, maar als je bijvoorbeeld alleen fine of bold line wilt, dan kan dat altijd.

octopus tattoo, by Inkfish tattooshop Rotterdam
Octopus tattoos always make our pirate-heart beat a little faster.

Wij zijn een allround custom tattoo shop, en werken dus in alle mogelijke tatoeagestijlen: Illustrative, Neo-traditional, newschool, oldschool, realistic (full colour of black&grey), Chicano, cartoon, horror, portretten, tribal (bijv. Maori, Polynesisch), geometric, Aziatische stijlen zoals Japanse en Chinese tattoos. Niet alle stijlen zal je tegenkomen in onze tattooshop gallery, maar als we alles dat we in 16 jaar gemaakt hebben op deze pagina zouden zetten, krijg je een lamme hand van het scrollen.

Onze tattooshop heeft veel ervaring met cover-ups en het verbergen van littekens. Als je naar ons toekomt in Rotterdam centrum, dan kan onze tatoeëerder meestal meteen voor je beoordelen wat we met jouw tatoeage of litteken kunnen doen.

eye tattoo
Totally sick eye-tattoo is in a beautiful spot!
Alice in wonderland doormouse tattoo
Doormouse from Alice in wonderland sure is a mean little man!
buck deer leg tattoo, inkfish tattooshop rotterdam gallery
Buck-tattoo Inkfish style: bold lines on the outside, and fine lines in the details.
tattooshop gallery bird cherryblossom shoulder tattoo, inkfish Rotterdam
Custom koolmees met cherry blossom tattoo in één van onze favoriete stijlen, neo-traditional Japanese illustrative of zoiets.
vuurtoren tattoo van onze Rotterdamse tattooshop. Tattooshop gallery
We love how the bold lines, fine lines and no line shaded clouds make this lighthouse-tattoo come together.
marvel xmen tattoo comic
Creating a non-existent female superhero was fun mateys.
wolf panda tattoo
Super nice good vs evil-tattoo. This will still look great in 70 years, something we find very important at our tattooshop.
Tomos brommer tattoo
Vintage Dutch Tomos mopeds are the shit!
snake chest tattoo coverup
This snake is a coverup, and looking pretty evil in our tattooshop gallery.
hondenpoot hart tattoo
Cool little heart/dogpawtattoo is about to heal very well.
grim reaper tattoo. Inkfish tattooshop Rotterdam
Mister reaper is feeling very miserable and cold.. On top of that, his only friend just flew away.
Banksy tattoo
Obviously a great honour to do a Banksy!
Wonder woman tattoo, DC comics legpiece
Wonder woman legpiece superhero, custom tattoo by Studio Inkfish.
wolf chest tattoo
That’s a very bad puppy!
newschool full colour custom rose arm tattoo from our tattooshop in Rotterdam.
Newschool/neo traditional custom rose and butterfly piece is lighting up our tattooshop gallery!
mountain geometrical tattoo from inkfish tattooshop
geometric mountain tattoos is something we do quite a lot at our studio.
tattooshop gallery : Rotterdams custom tatoeage ontwerp. dragon back tattoo
Tattooing a sick dragon backpiece, custom designed at our Rotterdam inkshop.
wave tattoo
Tight wave tattoo in our house-style. Using both fat and fine lines.
koi lotus tattoo
Yes that koi and lotus tattoo is looking great, almost completely healed up!


Rabbit arm tattoo, Inkfish tattoo studio Rotterdam.
Custom tattooed rabbit is creating a lot of chaos in here!

dragonfly hand tattoo inked at our tattooshop

Tattooin’ some older skin is kinda hard, really happy about the result!

octopus arm tattoo, inkfish tattoo shop Rotterdam
Once again inking the prettiest animal in the world! Life is good.
koi tattoo japanese
Always nice to do a Japanese koi tat!
Holy Mary tattoo leg
Holy Mary art deco tattoo with fingerprint was quite a special thing to make.
neo traditional rose tattoo
neo-traditional rose tattoo from our Rotterdam custom tattooparlor.
octopus or kraken tattoo hand piece
Wicked cool octopus hand, pretty big for a first tattoo!
Samurai Japanese rib tattoo
Very impressive Samurai tattooing going on at our shop! Sick spot for it as well.
koi fish tattoo
Japanese koi-tattoos are always a pleasure to ink!
Scorpion coverup leg tattoo by our Rotterdam tattooshop
Scorpion is a coverup of a tiny old scorpion tattoo.
leg tattoo wave
Hell yeah blackwork wave tattoos rule.
mountain doc martens tattoo
Lovely custom hiker-tattoo with some docs.
Holy mary back tattoo
Super oldschool Chicano Mary-backpiece was a joy to do!
dragon phantasy tattoo
Made a very cute girlie dragon!
flower bird arm tattoo
Lines that stay black forever, and smooth shading, we consider these things very important at Inkfish tattoo.
oldschool moth tattoo butterfly
We don’t get the chance to do a lot of oldschool, please give us some more of that!
octopus arm tattoo
Sick octopus tattoo is filling that arm pretty well.
cherry ass tattoo
Newschool cherry tattooing on butts is definitely going on at our shop!
scorpion tattoo coverup
Coverup scorpion tattoo custom piece turned out very awesome. This one also covers a very old scorpion.
barrel custom tattoo with grouse.
For a dad that loved Famous grouse, and is named Ton.
lotus arm tattoo
Lotus arm tattoo is very much built to last
newschool pinup neo traditional arm is a custom tattoo from our shop.
Custom bad-ass pinup arm from your local tattooshop.
japanese arm tattoo temple
Japanese custom temple and tree tattoo.
dungeons and dragons arm tattoo
Dungeons and dragons-tattoo has cool colours.
trash polka ravens back tattoo
Trash polka tattoo of 2 pissed off ravens!
newschool skull tattoo
Newschool skull tattoos are definitely one of my favourite things to ink.
sunflower tattoo dotwork arm
Graphic sunflower dotwork tattoo will definitely be there for life.
Neo-traditional/jugendstil full colour poppy flower tattooing featured in our tattooshop gallery.
Poppy flower jugendstil tattoo partial sleeve.
chest tattoo Japanese on dark skin.
Big and bold Japanese tattoo, with super fat lines, that’s perfect for dark skin.
Spartan arm tattoo
Wicked Spartan arm tattoo, in an illustrative style.
scar coverup arm tattoo flowers
Covering up a lot of scars with a flower tattoo is often a great plan!
rose dancing shoes tattoo neo traditional new school
Super bright rose and dancing shoes in full colour.
sun tattoo arm
Graphic sun tattoo from our Rotterdam shop.
Falcon arm tattoo custom from Inkfish rotterdam
Birds make for a great coverup tattoo!
Dia de los muertos skull tattoo
Harry potter tattoo, dia de los muertos style.
squid tattoo
Yeah that baby healed up very well!
chrysanthemum japanese leg tattoo from our tattooshop in Rotterdam.
We like tattoos that are there FOREVER, not faint grey shit that disappears in a few years.
astronaut tattoo
Love this strange astronaut-dude!
cartoon tattoo.
This type of tattooing requires supertight linework, so a lot of stress, but cute as hell.
angel grave tattoo from our shop in Rotterdam
Grieving angel tattoo in black & grey
flower and butterfly tattoo, dark skin
Cool spot for some flowers and butterflies.
snake tattoo with stroopwafel
Das echt geinig verzonnen, een slang die gek is op stroopwafels.
orchidee tattoo, Inkfish tattooshop Rotterdam.
Funny orchid-tattoo in black & grey. See the howler-monkey face that’s hidden in there?
dragon chest tattoo
Chest tattoo of a golden dragon protecting the family!
heilig hart tattoo by inkfish tattooshop rotterdam
Sacred heart tat has some very fat colours!
zandloper schedel tattoo door onze tattooshop in Rotterdam
Arrrh mateys, that there be a pirate tattoo.
newschool diamond flower tattoo in colour
Pretty 3d poppy flower and gemstone heart, we dig doing this a lot.
koi arm tattoo
Koi tattoo healed up nicely!
tiger tattoo, inkfish tattoo shop Rotterdam
Aggressive tiger ink looks pretty nice right there.
armtattoo valkyrie, neo-tradirional cartoonstyle custom ink from our studio.
Valkyrie custom armtattoo has some shiny armour!
heart tulip tattoo from our rotterdam tattooshop.
Dutch glory tattoo combines color with black and grey.

dreamcatcher tattoo

Dreamcatcher tattoo, custom made by your Inkfish.

corset tattoo
very elegant tattooin’ is being done at our studio, brothers and sisters!
Orchid leg tattoo
Orchid tattoo has a lot of detail.
chili tattoo lettering
We don’t feature it in our tattoo gallery a lot, but we definitely do lettering all the time, and chili peppers!

Microphone rock & roll tattoo in our tattooshop gallery

Yes, this fine line tattoo is totally rock & roll

custom black and grey arm-orchids sleeve tattoo from our rotterdam inkshop.
Custom black and grey arm tattoo with some well detailed orchids.
jugendstil/art nouveau tattoo flowers arm, custom piece by Inkfish tattoo Rotterdam
magnolia flower arm tattoo was a joy to do! Like the colours a lot.
marlin tattoo swordfish
Fastest fish in the ocean is… a blue marlin!
lime tattoo leg
Realistic slice of lime and some lettering, in our typical illustrative Inkfish-style.
tattoo shop inkfish custom hummingbird tattoo
Little hummingbird tattoo in black and grey.
gitaar met g-sleutel tattoo uit onze Rotterdamse tattooshop
This tattoo is a tribute to a guitar playin’ daddy.
flower tattoo
Custom geometrical flower tattoo by Inkfish tattooshop Rotterdam.
Heavy newschool 3D-tattooing going on at Inkfish tattoo Rotterdam.
Heavy newschool flame-tattooing happening at Inkfish studios.
tattoo sun mandala
Mandala tattoo that’s made to last
gun tattoo
Yep that’s a very badass tattoo mateys!
firefly and lightbulb custom ink from inkfish tattooshop.
Newschool firefly in a lightbulb, funky custom ink from your local tattooparlour.
realistic dog portrait tattoo. Inkfish tattoo shop.
We really dig doing realistic black and grey dog portraits!
rose moon tattoo from our custom studio in Rotterdam.
Rose tattoo on an arm has cool colours.

Design of a locked heart and key tattoo is made in our own custom tattoostyle.

Tattoo heart and key armpiece in our wicked cartoon/neo-traditional style!

geometric arm tattoo in our tattooshop gallery!
Geometrical triangles arm tattoo.
swallow tattoo
Whistling swallow (almost) oldschool tattoo was fun to make!
lady bear back tattoo Inkfish studio
Very elegant gothic bear tattoo. And sorry for the bad lighting…
origami elephant dotwork tattooshop gallery
sweet origami/geometrical elephant-tattoo with some dotwork lights up our tattooshop gallery.
disney tattoo foot
Disney tattoo op een voetje.
touw/knoop tattoo pols van onze inktstudio in Rotterdam
Bad-ass piratentattoos zetten wij altijd met xtra plezier.
tree tattoo leg
Dikke heksenboom zitten inkten joh.
Newschool 3d rat-tattoo in black&grey, Inkfish tattoo studio Rotterdam.
Newschool rat-tattoo in black&grey.
rose tattoo in neo traditional style, by Inkfish tattooshop Rotterdam
Neo-traditional rose tattoo by Inkfish tattooshop.
snake coverup tattoo from our shop.
This realistic snake is a coverup tattoo, there were two names before, just like on the other side of his body.
newschool unicorn tattoo
Newschool unicorn chest-tattoo.
Gothic horror death moth tattoo from our tattooshop in Rotterdam
Gothic horror deathmoth tattoo from our studio in Rotterdam.
Newschool swallow tattoo in full candy-colours.
Newschool inking of a swallow on a chest, in candy colours. This very cool gentleman just got his first tattoo at 73 years old, respect!
octopus hand tattoo in our tattooshop gallery, Rotterdam.
Yeah inking our favourite animal! There are quite a lot of these in our tattooshop gallery
kraai schouder vogel
Raven shoulder tattoo in old-fashioned style.
Flashy newschool 3D diamond-tattoo by Inkfish tattooshop.
Totally flashy newschool 3D diamond-tattoo.
kitty tattoo in our tattooshop gallery
strakke kitty tattoo voor een lief dochtertje
bloem skull tattoo arm from our tattooshop gallery
Newschool pastel-coloured skullflower for bad girls.

Als je dochter Faya heet, is een lucifer-tattoo logisch toch? Newschool-inking by Inkfish Tattoostudio Rotterdam

Als je dochter Faya heet, is een lucifer-tattoo logisch toch? Newschool-inkt.

rose tattoo arm
Very bold rose-tattooing from Inkfish tattoo Rotterdam



tattooshop gallery: Rotterdams custom tatoeage ontwerp